Case Studies
Fresno County Math Collaborative
FCMC was designed to improve student math performance in grades 3-5. The project helps to raise awareness of the most effective research-based teaching practices in math education and to equip classroom teachers in hard-to-reach rural communities with instructional coaching and network support to improve teaching skills. Now in its third year, the program has gained traction and now encompasses additional cohorts, including expanded offerings for grades 6-8 and PK/TK! The program initially aimed to impact up to 1,500 students from Fresno County’s rural schools, and now has grown to significantly impact thousands more. This project grew out of the desire to bring the most effective continuous improvement practices used by the Differentiated Assistance team down to the classroom level (through mathematics) in a way that could be offered to all county schools, and it is proving to be a tremendous success. This short video provides student reflections about what they learned from the problem-solving activities. Click here to learn more about the FCMC.