Community Impact

Contributors to The Foundation @ FCOE are unique in their interests and vocations, but all share the vision of supporting education in Fresno County.

To achieve the Foundation's mission, the Foundation accepts gifts of money, property, goods or in-kind services, as well as bequests and estate gifts from individuals, businesses and other organizations. Contributors may earmark gifts for a specific program or allow the Foundation to use it in the area of greatest need.

Foster & Homeless Youth College Dorm Kits

Every year, students who were in foster care or homeless are faced with moving to their college dorm alone, without family, and without the means to buy the things they need for their dorm. For many, their dorm is the first home they have had and you can help Fresno County foster youth start their college years with one less worry. 

Make a dorm-kit donation

Individual Gifts

The Foundation is currently positioned to receive cash donations through credit cards, debit cards and/or checks. Additionally, we can receive gifts of stocks**, bonds and other securities. Fresno County students, schools and programs will benefit from your generosity and the generosity of thoughtful individuals and families. Begin making a difference today. Please download the Individual Gift Form or donate online using one of the following options:

Make one-time donation

Event Sponsorship

Sponsoring one of the Foundation's or FCSS' events is a powerful way to associate your company's name with the communities largest educational agency. Benefits of Corportate Giving through event sponsorship include access to large audiences, speaking opportunities, business marketing via event signage, and more. A complete list of FCSS Events is available online. Find out how your business can fulfill its Charitable Giving and Marketing in One.  The Student Events Catalog provides a description of many of the student events coordinated by the Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools.

Corporate Giving

Corporate giving is the act of corporations donating some of their profits, or other resources, to nonprofit organizations. Corporations/businesses most commonly donate cash, but they can also donate the use of their facilities, property, services, or advertising support. They may also set up employee payroll contributions, customer donations at the time of a purchase, or even solicit online donations from “Friends” of corporate Facebook groups. Learn more about the benefits of corporate giving.

Tribute and Memorial Gifts

A tribute gift to the Foundation is a meaningful way to commemorate the life or acknowledge the achievements of someone special. Appropriate recognition can be made for birthdays, congratulations, to thank someone, or to memorialize the passing of a family member or friend who had a great impact on your life. Each tribute or memorial gift received supports educational programs that make a difference in the lives of Fresno County students. As with any donation to the Foundation, gifts can be designated to any program or activity, or to the Area of Greatest Need. When a memorial donation is made, the family of the individual being honored will be notified. All gifts to the foundation are tax deductible. The minimum donation for a tribute or memorial gift is $25. To make a tribute or memorial gift, download the donation form or use the online service.


An in-kind donation is a gift of goods and/or services, otherwise typically purchased by the Foundation. By law, non-profit organizations cannot provide a receipt of dollar value of an in-kind gift to a contributor. However, the Foundation appreciates in-kind donations, and will publically recognize contributors under the respective gift category amount related to the “retail value” of products or services. To make a difference with your in-kind gift, click here to download the Gift-In-Kind Form.

Matching Gift Programs

Many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage community involvement and support among their employees.  What is a matching gift program? Matching gift programs are a type of philanthropy in which a company will financially match donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations. When an employee makes a donation, they submit a request for a matching gift from their employer. The employer then makes their own donation to the same nonprofit. Companies usually match donations at a 1:1 ratio, but some will match at a 2:1, 3:1, or even a 4:1 ratio.  Check with your human resources department to explore the possbility of making a greater impact through your personal generosity.  


The Board of Directors has established a goal to build an endowment fund whereby the principal or corpus is maintained intact and invested to create a source of income for The Foundation @ FCOE. Donors to the endowment are part of the 10@10,000. Donors may require that the principal remain intact in perpetuity, or for a defined period of time or until sufficient assets have been accumulated to achieve the designated purpose. The Board of Directors has the power to redirect resources in the fund if it determines that the donor's restriction is incapable of fulfillment or inconsistent with the charitable goals.

Planned Giving

Contributors interested in leaving a legacy for students in our community can do so through bequests by will or living trusts, life income gifts, beneficiary designations, retirement funds or insurance policies. The Foundation has planned giving experts available as a resource. To begin making a difference, visit the Planned Giving Page.

** When contributing a gift of stock, the following information must be presented to your stock broker: Free share amount and Cusip. Additionally, send a stock note to The Foundation @ FCOE, Attn: MaryEllen Galvan. If a stock broker is needed, please contact: Kyle Trippel at Strong Valley Wealth & Pension, 45 Riverpark Place West, Suite 103 Fresno, CA 93720 Tel: 559-384-2500 Email: