Case Studies
Increasing Access to the Arts
Increasing access to the arts has long been a priority of the Foundation and building strong partnerships in the community contributes to students having a variety of opportunities. Aaron Bryan, Director of FCSS Arts Education, and his team, partnered with Mike Gibson at Fresno Lexus and Broadway in Fresno to give students a wonderful theatrical experience.
Fresno Lexus sponsored the transportation expenses for junior high and high school students to experience Disney's "Aladdin" at the Saroyan Theater with the tickets generously donated by Broadway in Fresno. There were 217 students in attendance from Mendota, Caruthers, Riverdale, Fowler, Sanger, Kerman and Central, and students from the FCSS Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program at American Union. The arts are alive in Fresno schools and ensuring students from our rural school districts have access to experiences like this are the reason the Foundation exists!