Case Studies

Life Skills Literature Circles

The Life Skills Literature Circles provided several 12th grade students an opportunity to learn about topics that are not explicitly taught within A-G courses.

The Life Skills Literature Circles provided several 12th grade students an opportunity to learn about topics that are not explicitly taught within A-G courses. Students constantly ask questions related to their future financial health, their mental health, and how to be a better communicator. By taking part in this project, they read best-selling self-help books, from "Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel to "Think Like a Monk" by Jay Shetty. Each student engaged in a different role for each chapter they read, which led to invigorating conversations about each book. Students then had to summarize what they read and present it to the class to promote what they read and how it helped them. Ultimately, students enjoyed the experience and were grateful to receive the opportunity to learn about subjects that are not discussed in many core classes.

Academic Year