Case Studies
PG & E Grant Helps Expand Kerman Online School
The online school has made great strides in providing students with the opportunity to experience post-secondary education while in high school. The school has built a strong partnership with Fresno City College and thanks to this strategic partnership, the dual enrollment program has blossomed from offering one dual enrollment course to multiple online closed cohort offerings to all the district’s secondary students. This inclusive and equitable approach has motivated many underrepresented students to challenge themselves and rise to their fullest potential. Students from Enterprise High School, suspended/expelled students temporarily enrolled at Kerman Unified Online School, and many reclassified English learners from across all secondary sites, were supported by a dual enrollment liaison/counselor, who has been vital to their academic success. Weekly progress monitoring led to an increase in completion rates to over 90% and impacted the growth in of dual enrollment numbers by being able to offer virtual and in-person application workshops to help guide students through the matriculation process. New hotspots, Chromebooks, and laptops helped ensure students succeed as they embark on their college education. Dual enrollment data indicates that over 103 students were enrolled in at least one dual enrollment course. Kerman Online School is excited about the future growth of the program and giving students unique opportunities to succeed in school and in life.