Case Studies
First Lego League Robotics Reboot
Legos as a learning tool? Yes, that’s correct! In Mr. Brotnov’s classroom at Washington Colony Elementary students put together robots using Lego Mindstorms. With the new robotic kit, a team was formed of 4th and 5th graders. The team familiarized themselves with the robotics platform, the parts, the programming language, and the different models that can be made with the set. In the fall of 2013 the team from Washington Colony will participate in the First Lego League, attending local tournaments.
Legos as a learning tool? Yes, that’s correct! In Mr. Brotnov’s classroom at Washington Colony Elementary students put together robots using Lego Mindstorms. With the new robotic kit, a team was formed of 4th and 5th graders. The team familiarized themselves with the robotics platform, the parts, the programming language, and the different models that can be made with the set. In the fall of 2013 the team from Washington Colony will participate in the First Lego League, attending local tournaments.