Case Studies
Social Emotional Learning
The Social Emotional Learning project helped online students close the gap of non-peer interaction. Each student had their own set of 25 books to follow along with topics that covered being respectful, kind, patient, honest, fair, not giving up, and dealing with your feelings. The Scribble book dealt with a gray rock that was turned into a purposeful, beautiful, and colorful rock. Each student painted their own rock. Once the in-person students came on campus, the topics were covered in real life situations.
The Social Emotional Learning project helped online students close the gap of non-peer interaction. Each student had their own set of 25 books to follow along with topics that covered being respectful, kind, patient, honest, fair, not giving up, and dealing with your feelings. The Scribble book dealt with a gray rock that was turned into a purposeful, beautiful, and colorful rock. Each student painted their own rock. Once the in-person students came on campus, the topics were covered in real life situations. Online students continued to have conversations about the book titles and the lessons taught are life-long emotional social skills. Having a healthy self awareness and healthy relationships with family, teachers, and peers make learning a success.