Case Studies
Young Authors' Academy
The Young Authors’ Academy at Jackson Elementary was a pilot after school program to teach advance writing skills. Students from second to fifth grades were selected to attend this writing workshop in the computer lab two days a week for 18 weeks. Using mentor texts, students wrote in a wide variety of genres: poetry, science fiction, astronaut biographies, opinion papers, paperbag scrapbooks, and space research. Students blossomed into writers working independently and collaboratively on writing assignments and improving their skills in each genre.
The Young Authors’ Academy at Jackson Elementary was a pilot after school program to teach advance writing skills. Students from second to fifth grades were selected to attend this writing workshop in the computer lab two days a week for 18 weeks. Using mentor texts, students wrote in a wide variety of genres: poetry, science fiction, astronaut biographies, opinion papers, paperbag scrapbooks, and space research. Students blossomed into writers working independently and collaboratively on writing assignments and improving their skills in each genre. Their writing was showcased at the Family Literacy Night: Launch Into Literacy event for over 200 families, district officials and community members. Several writers were selected to attend the FCOE Young Authors' Fair and one second grade writer was highlighted in an article in the local paper.